Challenge 1 of 0
Gain and Strike via the Cut – Practice
Immediate Practice
5 minutes – Practice cutting through posta longa with a mandritto fendente. 10 reps.
- Be sure to start out of measure.
- Pull on the pommel first to ensure that you project the point and forte, as well as protecting your hands with the crossbar.
- Have your partner test you by applying pressure or attempting to thrust.
5 minutes – Practice cutting through posta longa with a roverso fendente. 10 reps.
- Be sure to keep the hands tight to the body in the first part of the cut.
- Don’t allow the cut to become overly horizontal. Follow the path of right eye to left knee.
Ongoing Practice
- Practice intention cutting through posta longa as a regular part of your weekly practice. You can integrate it with pressure and disengagement exercises as seen in the other lessons of this program.