Swordplay Masterclass

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What do others say about the Masterclass?

Sebastien C

The Academie Duello Instructor Intensive is a fantastic and enriching experience for the body, the mind, and the heart. The environment is supportive in a way that makes it possible for the student to challenge themselves without fear, and the curriculum and teaching practices are some of the best I’ve encountered in any educational institution.

James S

From my few days as an online student I have to admit DuelloTV is a truly impressive database of knowledge and instruction. The revision quiz and practice pages are an additional study aid and prompt to action in forming well structured lesson plans and clear outcomes . I intend to stay a student here till I have achieved my goals in Swordsmanship.

Mike F

When I heard about HEMA, I really wanted to get into it but didn’t know where to start. There are no schools/clubs anywhere near me, and I don’t speak Italian or German, so unless there’s a manuscript in English or Spanish I couldn’t go to the original sources. And there are tons of resources online, but you can tell they’re written by (and for) people who already know what they’re talking about. But then I found Duello, and I’ve been loving it! I’m currently going through one of their “sidesword” courses (which btw includes sword & buckler) and it has been awesome! I still have a lot to learn, but now I have a great way to learning it well. I’m hooked!

Ben C

This intensive helps me see the connective tissue between so many of the individual techniques I had observed and learned. There is no better on-the-spot place to get this knowledge, and it is invaluable to my sword training going forward. This is without even mentioning the lessons in training methodology, which are cutting edge in terms of adult learning – applicable across a wide field indeed.

James H

It’s a rare privilege to study under an instructor with not only an extensive knowledge of the subject matter but also how to effectively teach it. I am grateful to have had the opportunity for such a valuable and inspirational experience.

Thomas B

I’m absolutely surprised by the amount of material that was covered, by how much I improved in 5 days, and by the amount of the information my brain retained. The intensive was very well thought out, professional, and quickly gave you a feeling of belonging. I would definitely recommend it to anyone at any skill level. Why? A full week of nothing but focus on swordplay.

Sharon M

I really enjoyed being able to spend a solid amount of time just dedicated to learning swordplay and how to teach it to others. I found the experience to be very enriching and grew a lot from it.

David S

This intensive is so valuable and well conducted that I unhesitatingly attended it again only six months after the first time, because I wanted to be sure I absorbed all of it. I’ll be repeating it again, likely yearly. I am an experienced teacher and will now be a much better one, as well as a much more well-rounded and effective martial artist.