Swordplay Masterclass

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What do others say about the Masterclass?

David B

Training in such a deliberately and explicitly safe and respectful environment had a profound impact on me. Devon’s superb care, respect and professionalism in all our interactions helped me grow as a person and an instructor. The intensive format made for a unique and profound life-learning experience that I would absolutely recommend to any practitioner. Thank you.

James H

It’s a rare privilege to study under an instructor with not only an extensive knowledge of the subject matter but also how to effectively teach it. I am grateful to have had the opportunity for such a valuable and inspirational experience.

Thomas B

DuelloTV has been essential for my development as a practitioner and has keep me on pace to reach my goals of mastery.

Stela M

In the Swordplay Masterclass I learned to learn martial arts in a way that is more meaningful to me. I learned how to be an apprentice of something ancient through modern days’ tools, while absolutely respecting the rooted values and contexts of the art. I learned things to do, to look at, to feel and to think about to be a seeker of mastery. For me, what I learned is worth many times more than what I paid to enroll in these classes.

Jake W

Living in a relatively isolated community, DuelloTV has been essential to my learning the Art. It has also made me feel less isolated and able to expand my horizons despite the lack of availability of fencing clubs and training partners.

David S

This intensive is so valuable and well conducted that I unhesitatingly attended it again only six months after the first time, because I wanted to be sure I absorbed all of it. I’ll be repeating it again, likely yearly. I am an experienced teacher and will now be a much better one, as well as a much more well-rounded and effective martial artist.

Kai T

The intensive is an incredible experience. That is in my opinion an invaluable course for all martial artists interested in perfecting their craft and sharing it with others.

Thomas B

I’m absolutely surprised by the amount of material that was covered, by how much I improved in 5 days, and by the amount of the information my brain retained. The intensive was very well thought out, professional, and quickly gave you a feeling of belonging. I would definitely recommend it to anyone at any skill level. Why? A full week of nothing but focus on swordplay.