Swordplay Masterclass Forums Private: Masters Club Training Log Daniel Kline: February Training Log Reply To: Daniel Kline: February Training Log

  • Daniel

    Feb 22/21 at 10:12 am

    Reflections on the first week of Masterclass:

    Plan for Feb 15 – 21

    Topic: Rhythm and Consistency

    Plan: I am going to keep working the various training plans I created for weeks 1-4 while I develop one for week 5 of the Masterclass. In addition, I want to complete the Fiore class and begin working on the scholars assault. I know this may take some mental work and a lot of video review so I am gonna try to finish the video stuff Monday Tuesday this week. I feel good about this. I am also gonna try to fit in a couple dance practices cause I think that fits well with my footwork practice and my desire to be a renaissance man.

    <strong style=”font-size: inherit;”>Victory Laps: My goal was to complete much of the video watching for the Masterclass and I feel like I achieved that.

    Course Corrections: After the Sunday call where we discussed SKIL and how to learn a new martial arts form I have a new approach for learning the Scholars Form. I am gonna focus on getting the sequence memorized even if I don’t fully understand all the connections and steps.

    Aha Moments: The Sunday class had some awesome learnings on how to memorize forms and how to compartmentalize different martial art forms (heavy fighting vs rapier). I also really enjoyed doing a little bit of partner practice with Karen and hope to do some more of that.