Swordplay Masterclass Forums Private: Masters Club Training Log Devon Boorman: February Training Log Reply To: Devon Boorman: February Training Log

  • Devon

    Feb 22/21 at 2:28 pm

    Week 4 Training Plan (Second week of Masters Club)

    Topic: Main goal this week is to incorporate the steel mace into my shoulder training and to get the Marozzo assault shot by the end of the week.


    At least 30 minutes per day Monday to Saturday.


    Primary focus Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday is the assalto. Wednesday, Friday, Sunday is longsword flow. Assalto breakdown 10 minutes single sword warm-up, 10 minutes sword and buckler, 10 minutes alternating between vigorous and relaxed.

    For flow 10 minutes Steel Mace exercises alternating with lower body. 10 minutes flow exercises targetting specific skills. 10 minutes free flowing.


    If I can’t get into my training I’ll be working on my interpretation and translation of the third assault.