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  • Devon

    Mar 14/21 at 11:45 pm

    Reflection for March Week 2

    Victory Laps:

    In spite of feeling sick at the outset of the week I was able to adjust my expectations and keep a rhythm going.

    I really enjoyed shooting rapier stance flow play as my video project for the week. It was a good inspiration.

    I also finished my 5K running program this week. The last run was hard but worth it. Big accomplishment. Now I just need to figure out what’s next in that arena!

    Course Corrections:

    I’d like to make some progress on my marozzo assault. I’ll have to think on ow to really get in the space and time I need to polish it. Doesn’t seem to coming as easily as I’d like.

    Aha Moments:

    Enjoying the aligned nature of 3227a with my own teaching and approach to longsword strategy. Looking forward to diving into it further on a second reading.