Group Leader Resources

Thank you for participating in the Swordplay Masterclass as a group leader. You’ve been chosen because we believe you have wisdom to offer aspiring martial arts students. We also hope that the process of mentorship will benefit you and help you grow your ability to encourage and support the growth of others.

Assessment Review and Approval

Reviewing and approving assessments is an important activity for a group leader. You’ll be tasked with observing the student’s submissions and offering helpful feedback to reinforce what they’re doing right, and correct them where they go wrong. All of this is done with a caring eye, paying attention to the student’s stage along their mastery journey and offering them appropriate counsel to help them move forward with confidence and resolution.

Assessment Approval: Your Student Passes the Assessment

  1. You will receive an email from info@swordplaymasterclass with the subject line beginning “Assessment Instructor Review:” with the assessment name added on (e.g., Assessment Instructor Review: Unarmed Poste Progression). This email will contain the name of the student as well as the assessment and course name. If you receive a lot of these emails, you may want to create an email rule or smart mailbox especially for these submissions to keep them organized.
  2. You are responsible for the student submissions that match the schedule table you received by email. Every week your student group changes, and you can look out for those names as they submit their videos.
  3. Near the bottom of the email body click the link “Admin front end” to be taken to the administration front end page (you must be logged in to the site) called the Group Essay Report. Our learning platform calls these submissions “essays”, even though our essay content is typically just a URL. (The “Admin back end” link is an option as well, just more techy and cluttered with lots of options that you likely won’t need.)
  4. Find your student’s name and their essay title. Click the eye icon next to the assessment ID number. This will open a new tab where you will see the student’s submission on this Assessment View page (which can be seen only by group leaders and the student that submitted the assessment). If it is a Youtube, Vimeo or other embeddable link, the video should appear right there on the page. If your student has submitted a URL that does not embed, follow that URL to the page where you can view their submission.
  5. If your student passes their assessment, go back to the administration Group Essay Report page, give your student 1 out of 1 point (it has to be more than 0), and click the Approve button in line with their assessment. Warning: once you approve an assessment you cannot unapprove it. If your student does not pass, see the next section Asking Your Student to Resubmit Their Assessment.
  6. Go to the forums, find the appropriate sub-forum (e.g., Week 1 LS1, Week 2 LS2) that contains the student’s personal assessment thread titled with their name (Assessment Week 1: Firstname Lastname). Enter their discussion thread and find their video submission (that they posted there prior to their instructor submission). You’ll see comments from other students there. Post your feedback to their submission as as reply to their video post.
  7. Your assessment is complete! Thank you for your input into your students’ work. It means a lot to them!

Following is a video that demonstrates and describes this process:

Asking Your Student to Resubmit Their Assessment

  1. Having followed steps 1–4 in the above section Assessment Approval, if your student needs to resubmit their assessment, you can send a comment to them and initiate a request to them for a new video URL.
  2. On the Assessment View page where you watched their video, you’ll see a comment box at the bottom. This is where you’ll ask them to resubmit their assessment. Use the following instructions to start:
    • “Thank you for your assessment submission. I’ll ask you to resubmit a new video taking into account the following feedback: [list at least one or two things that you thought were done well].
    • “The reason for the new request is so that these issues can be corrected: [list the things that you think were in error, whether that was a missing part, wrongly executed maneuver, or even a bad URL the first time].
    • “Please respond by clicking on this email’s Permalink below to add your new video URL to the assessment comment thread. I’ll be notified that you’ve made a comment there, and will return to the site to view your new video submission. Sincerely, Firstname.”
  3. When your student has submitted their video in the comment thread, you’ll receive an email from with the subject beginning “Assessment Comment:” and the assessment name added on after (e.g., Assessment Comment: Unarmed Poste Progression).
  4. In the email body, click the ID link or the Permalink at the bottom to go directly to the Assessment View page.
  5. If your student does not pass the assessment, return to step 1 of the Resubmit Assessment instructions to request a new video URL.
  6. If your student passes their assessment, go to the administration Group Essay Report page, give your student 1 out of 1 point (it has to be more than 0), and click the Approve button in line with their assessment. Warning: once you approve an assessment you cannot unapprove it.
  7. Go to the forums, find the appropriate sub-forum (e.g., Week 1 LS1, Week 2 LS2) that contains the student’s personal assessment thread titled with their name (Assessment Week 1: Firstname Lastname). Enter their discussion thread and find their video submission (that they posted there prior to their instructor submission). You’ll see comments from other students there. Post your feedback to their submission as a reply to their video post.
  8. Your assessment is complete! Thank you for your input into your students’ work. It means a lot to them!

Following is a video that demonstrates and describes this process:

For the Student: How to Resubmit an Assessment

This video page is found here. I’ve included it on this page for your easy reference.