Welcome to June Week 5!
The Masters Club training process is based on the simple process of:
- Setting a weekly training goal and plan.
- Training at least 5 days of the week.
- Shooting a review video (for self, peer, or instructor review) and posting a reflection.
Consistently approaching your practice with this kind of intention and regularity, along with mentorship and guidance, is the key to long-term momentum and success.
Weekly Topics
On this page you’ll find the Duello Armizare topic for the week. We move through monthly and weekly topics on a six month cycle.
For now the important thing to know is that you can either follow our guidance for what to work on, or take some initiative and set your own plan. The important thing is that you be intentional.
Our Topic for Week 5
Each month typically follows 4 weeks of curriculum. But every so often a bonus week appears! This is one such week, and we’ve picked a form-full practice to keep you training and moving forward in your skills.
You are also welcome to choose your own focus for this week. Some alternative areas to consider:
- Focus on a different module of the Swordplay Masterclass that you haven’t completed yet. Make your objective this week to work through all or a portion of its lessons and practice plans.
- Focus on a skill area that is next on your assessment list.
Once you’re familiar with the topic for the week, click over to the Learning tab to find links to lessons, drills, and classes. Then advance to the Training tab where you’ll find prescribed training plans to help structure your practice.
Once you’ve reviewed all three tabs, advance to the first item in this week’s course: Focus. There’ll you’ll receive some guidance on how to set and share your training plan for the week.
When you’re planning your training for the week, we recommend that you plan some of your time for going through these resources and attending the live classes.
This Week
It’s a special bonus week that includes nearly all of the Masterclass forms to keep you moving, thinking, and progressing forward in your swordplay skills. For easy reference:
Foundational Cuts Form
Unarmed Poste Progression
Five Thrusts Form
Five Measures Form
Twelve Poste Progression
Gioco Largo Defense Form
Gioco Stretto Defense Form
Gioco Largo Playbuild (Sample)
Gioco Stretto Playbuild (Sample)
Scholar’s Assault
You can also source your learning time from any of the Swordplay Masterclass material you choose. Whether it’s new learning or review of existing material, make your plan, and commit to it!
We recommend keeping a copy of at least the short plan available with you to use as an easy contingency when you aren’t able to keep to your schedule or make it to a live class you planned to attend. Remember five minutes training is infinitely more than zero minutes.
Refer to the Learning Tab to see all of the exemplar videos for this week’s practice.
Short Practice
- Practice the Foundational Cuts Form — 5 reps
- Practice the Foundational Cuts Form *left handed* — 2 reps
- Practice the Unarmed Poste Progression — 5 reps
Medium Practice
- Short Practice, plus:
- Practice the Five Thrusts Form – 5 reps
- Practice the Five Thrusts Form *left handed* – 2 reps
- Practice the Five Measures Form – 5 reps
- Shadow box — 3 sets of 2 minutes
Big Practice
- Medium practice, plus:
- Practice the Five Measures Form *left handed* – 2 reps
- Practice the 12 Poste Progression – 5 reps
- Practice the 12 Poste Progression *left handed* – 2 reps
- Practice the Gioco Largo Defense Form – 5 reps
- Practice the Gioco Stretto Defense Form – 5 reps
- Five-step gioco largo solo play build from a left side guard. Build, then repeat in complete form 10 times
- Five-step gioco stretto solo play build from a right side guard. Build, then repeat in complete form 10 times
- Shadow box for another 3 sets of 2 minutes
- BIG BIG: Perform the entire Scholars Assault 3 times