Swordplay Masterclass Forums Introductions Introductionsy Thingy

  • Introductionsy Thingy

    Posted by Kristen Argyle on Sep 1/21 at 5:12 pm

    Hello! I’m Kristen Argyle from True Edge Academy in Salt Lake City, UT! I’ve been teaching for something like 7 years now, mostly Longsword in the Liechtenauer and Meyer tradition. My area of research is Hans Medel’s fechtbuch, because I needed something weird. I’ve been following the free content of Academie Duello for a long time and I’m excited to be able to take the masterclass!

    I have two boys, 1 and 3, and they like to knock down foam rollers with little plastic dagger trainers.

    Steve replied 2 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Steve

    Sep 1/21 at 10:47 pm

    Welcome! Nice to virtually meet you. I’m a family man myself with two daughters, 15 and 10, who sadly do not want to practice with me unless it’s lightsabers. I’m just sure you’re gonna love the MasterClass. Looking forward to the kick-off this weekend.

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