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Disengage Under – Practice

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Disengage Under – Practice

Immediate Practice

5 minutes – Practicing the cavatione in place, without movement.

  • Your partner is in place and you cavatione from one side of their sword to the other, finding their sword and the three advantages.
  • Perform 5 cavatione and then switch roles.
  • Alternate back and forth, be sure to push the partner’s aside using the advantage of leverage each time.
  • Stay as close to their sword as possible with your point as you conduct the cavatione.

5 minutes – Practicing the cavatione with the step back.

  • Practice 5 cavatione and switch roles, stepping back and then forward after reacquiring the advantages.
  • As an advanced practice your partner can then attempt to gain your sword after you’ve stepped back in. You can then respond by gaining their sword instead (provided you have indeed found the three advantages)

Ongoing Practice

  • As a solo exercise you can develop your strength and precision in the cavatione by practicing moving your point around a door knob, or from side to side of a propped up sword or stick.
    • Focus on tight movements of the point.
    • Focus on making the movement from your fingers and wrist, not from your elbow or shoulder.