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Mezzo Tempo Opportunities at the Forte – Assessment

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Mezzo Tempo Opportunities at the Forte – Assessment

Watch the full lesson video here.

Self-assessment when performing this skill

Create a self-assessment video to compare to the master above. Perform the following actions in the video, repeated twice:

  1. Your partner begins in posta longa. You begin in posta longa, finding the mezza of your partner’s sword on the inside line with your forte. You begin to attack with a thrust, hitting your partner as they attempt to make a cavatione sopra to find your sword on the outside line.
  2. Your partner begins in posta longa. You begin in posta longa, finding the mezza of your partner’s sword on the inside line with your forte. You begin to attack with a thrust. Your partner yields to make a tutta volta and find your sword on the outside line. You make a mezza volta and strike their exposed arms with a mandritto fendente.

Also perform the following actions (not depicted in the video above):

  1. Your partner begins in posta longa. You begin in posta longa, finding the mezza of your partner’s sword on the outside line with your forte. You begin to attack with a thrust, hitting your partner as they attempt to make a cavatione sopra to find your sword on the inside line.
  2. Your partner begins in posta longa. You begin in posta longa, finding the mezza of your partner’s sword on the outside line with your forte. You begin to attack with a thrust. Your partner yields to make a tutta volta and find your sword on the inside line. You make a mezza volta and strike their exposed arms with a roverso fendente.