Challenge 1 of 0
Shield Positions – Practice
Immediate Practice
- 5 minutes – Move through the 3 shield positions.
- Practice moving between the shield positions with the buckler alone. This can be useful to do in front of a mirror.
- Prima – Thumb down, flaring the shield to open the line outside the shield arm. Do this by pushing forward with the heel of the hand.
- Terza – Thumb up, flaring the shield slightly to open the line inside the shield arm.
- Quarta – Palm up, thumb pointing forward. Opening up the line above and outside the shield arm by pointing the thumb toward the opponent.
- Practice moving between the shield positions with the buckler alone. This can be useful to do in front of a mirror.
- 5 minutes – Explore the cutting lines and shield positions.
- Form each shield position and explore which cutting paths are blocked and which are more available.
- Keep the shield extended in front of the shield shoulder, don’t allow the arm to rise or fall.
- Ensure that you open the path for the sword by turning the arm and flaring the edge of the buckler by pushing with the heel of the hand; don’t break the wrist inward.
- 10 minutes – Cutting around the shield.
- Practice the downward X, cutting over the shield arm. 10 reps.
- You’ll need to turn the shield into quarta to cut the mandritto.
- Practice the downward X, cutting under the shield arm. 10 reps.
- You’ll need to turn the shield into prima to cut the roverso.
- Practice the upward X, cutting over the shield arm. 10 reps.
- You’ll need to turn the shield into quarta to cut the roverso.
- Practice the pattern from the lesson that combines the 3 exercises above.
- When cutting around the shield ensure that you
- do not expose the shield elbow. Keep the arm straight and open the line by turning the hand and flaring the edge of the buckler.
- do not drop your shield out of the way or withdraw it. Keep it extended and covering the shield arm at all times.
- do not overreach (extend beyond) your shield with your sword hand. Your sword hand should stay in behind the buckler throughout every cut.
- use a target or reference point to help you ensure you are cutting the appropriate paths each time. With proper buckler position you should be able to cut every one of the same cutting paths as without while simultaneously protecting your sword hand.
- Practice the downward X, cutting over the shield arm. 10 reps.
Ongoing Practice
- Practice cutting both with and without the buckler. You’ll note that when cutting with the buckler you cannot turn your shoulders quite as far without overreaching the buckler with your sword.
- Practice elbow cuts with these shield positions and shoulder cuts where you withdraw the shield (as taught in the previous lessons).
- Use a mirror or a partner to help you keep appropriate cover with the buckler and not accidentally expose yourself.
- Make a video of yourself cutting the patterns and compare them to this lesson as your skill develops.