Challenge 1 of 0
Thrusting from the Four Quadrants – Practice
Immediate Practice
5 minutes – Practice gaining and striking with a thrust from porta di ferro.
- Be sure to push the pommel to start the movement of the point.
- Cross the point over your partner’s sword. Do not place your sword underneath their’s!
- Ensure you move in good order. You should have your arms extended and have found all three advantages before you commit to your step.
5 minutes – Practice gaining and striking from dente al cinghiara.
- Remember to cross over your partner’s sword using your false edge, then turn your true edge to close the line.
- Make sure the line is closed before you commit your body to the step.
10 minutes – Practice gaining and striking from posta finestra sinestra and destraza (left and right).
- Cross your partner’s sword with your false edge from finestra, then turn the true edge as you lower and extend your sword into posta longa.
- Be sure to fully close the line before committing your body.
- Cross at least one hand-span from the point, to ensure that it won’t easily slip free when you gain.
Ongoing Practice
- Make gaining and striking through the extended sword a regular part of your practice. You can practice coming from random quadrants or alternating with your partner.
- Be sure to have your partner’s provide you with resistance or try to strike you while you thrust to help you have good order and weapon control.